Fact vs Fiction … and how to think about the value of companies
Having researched asset managers over many years, and studied markets, I have a good appreciation for the many different approaches that investors take when valuing companies
Having researched asset managers over many years, and studied markets, I have a good appreciation for the many different approaches that investors take when valuing companies
Transformation…progress has been made but investment teams are still lacking
Download the article Key points Our latest survey showed that the integration of ESG within the investment process continues to be an important consideration for managers
In delivering the budget speech on 23 February 2022, the Minister of Finance announced a further relaxation in exchange
controls for South African investors, with details that followed in Exchange Control Circular No. 10/2022.
Is the cheapest really the best? If so, why do all of us not just buy the cheapest smart phone or car? Sometimes the cheapest
represents poor quality or value for money. Other times it may just include less features. Why should investments be any
Women having the same rights in the work place as men does not translate into gender equality when many women face unequal opportunities and biases that limit equal access to skills, development, growth and great career opportunities. This means that many industries are still generations away from reaching gender parity in their workforce.
As an investor you probably come across the word ‘benchmark’ on a regular basis. You may have noticed this word on a fund factsheet or it may have come up during discussions with a financial adviser. While many clients are familiar with it, the concept can be quite puzzling at times
It does not feel like it was so long ago when the South African asset management industry was starting to experience a substantial rise in boutique asset managers. Now in their late teens, with some going into adulthood, we – over a three-part series – look back at the journey of the pioneers who left large investment houses to manage money within a boutique setting.
Performance evaluation is one of those topics that is conceptually easy to understand, but your understanding begins falling apart once you get into the detail. Fortunately, there are great frameworks for thinking about this “problem”, and great tools for helping with the exercise.
All asset management companies and portfolio managers are different and it is important to understand each of these before deciding to invest with them as they all seek and achieve alpha differently.
Performance evaluation is carried out to find the “best” manager to meet a specific portfolio need, or to check if an existing manager still meets the client’s original portfolio need.
Allocators of capital should strive to understand performance evaluation before and during their assessment of the value add from passive and active asset managers. It is not a simple task.
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