Our funds & solutions
STANLIB Multi-Manager offers a complete range
across the risk-return spectrum


STANLIB Multi-Manager offers a complete range of multi-managed solutions, which are designed to meet your investment goals. The Solutions are constructed as a ‘hybrid’ between domestic balanced and offshore specialist mandates. Capital is allocated across the full spectrum of asset classes and strategies, with the underlying managers given complete flexibility to add value through stock selection and /or asset allocation.



Investing offshore with STANLIB Multi-Manager allows you to spread your investment risk across different economies, sectors and managers. It also gives you access to industries and companies that may not be available locally.


We have been investing on behalf of institutional clients since 1999. Clients include stand-alone pension plans, umbrella funds, insurance companies and beneficiary trusts.


There are two routes to investing offshore with STANLIB Multi-Manager. You can invest in our rand-denominated equity fund and/or in our two foreign dollar-denominated funds. Read more about the impact of capital gains tax when selecting a rand or a foreign denominated fund here.

Fund Name Quarterly Commentary Comprehensive Factsheet Monthly Factsheet Static Factsheet  
STANLIB Multi-Manager Global Equity Fund (USD) -
STANLIB Multi-Manager Global Equity Feeder Fund (ZAR) -
STANLIB Multi-Manager Global Bond Fund (USD) -

Product Brochures


STANLIB Multi-Manager offers a comprehensive range of domestic and global unit trusts designed to satisfy the investment requirements of most investors.

Collective Investment Schemes (formerly known as unit trusts or, for simplicity, funds) are inherently risky investments for different reasons. Before investing we strongly encourage individual investors to understand these risks and asking questions to get to an appropriate level of comfort.

We have been investing on behalf of institutional clients since 1999

Clients include stand-alone pension plans, umbrella funds, insurance companies and beneficiary trusts.

All of our clients’ investments, irrespective of size and mandate, are invested according to STANLIB Multi-Manager’s investment philosophy.

A wider range of mandates are available with clearly defined investment objectives. Blending best-of-breed managers, investment styles and strategies (including passive), providing clients with diversification benefits.

Contact the STANLIB Institutional team for more information about our offering.

Investment principles when compiling your Investment Policy Statement, click here to download our investment beliefs
and supporting documentation.


Specialist mandates allow us to allocate capital to a specific asset class (i.e. building block), with the underlying managers’ given complete flexibility to add value through stock selection within the constraints of the mandate.

Multi-Asset Mandates

Multi-asset class mandates allow us discretion to allocate capital across the full spectrum of asset classes (i.e. local and global), with the underlying managers’ given complete flexibility to add value through asset allocation and/or stock selection within the constraints of the mandate.

Foreign-only mandates

We invest in international assets on behalf of Southern African clients through our three global portfolios i.e. equites, bonds and money market.